sisi sister: dane robinson

Since we have so many interesting Sisi Sisters, we’re going to highlight a different community member every other week. Our goal is that you all get to know each other, creating an awesome network of friends!


Our first feature is the exceptional Dane Robinson! She’s a globe-trotting, camera wielding, outdoor loving, storytelling, cold weather fanatic. She’s spent the better part of this century traveling the world, visiting over 28 different countries spanning 6 continents. She’s been lucky enough to live in and fully immerse herself into the beautiful cultures of places including Honduras, Argentina, to London England, and she’s loved every moment of it! Some of her favorite things in life include adventuring to new places, learning new things, educating others, promoting tourism, making new friends, sipping wine, and pretty much anything that gives her an adrenaline rush.


Her background includes a BA degree in Technical Journalism, with a professional career including working as an Associate Producer on a documentary called Klondike and Snow: A Tale of Twin Polar Bear for PBS and online photography featured in Travel & Leisure, Travelzoo, Travelzoo UK, Quark Expeditions, Flashpack, (and other travel companies,) and in print for Aspen Daily News.

Dane’s Fast Facts:

  1. Describe yourself using 3 emoji’s

    • 😜🍷💋

  2. Something you accomplished recently that you’re proud of (big or small)

    • I taught myself how to build a website during quarantine.

  3. What’s your go-to stress reliever?

    • Hypnosis & Wine, lol.

    • Words/quotes that you live by  

      1. “There is more in you than you think.” -- Kurt Hahn

      2. “One day, the mountain that is in front of you will be so far behind you, it will barely be visible in the distance. But the person you become in learning to get over it? That will stay with you forever. And that is the point of the mountain.”-Brianna Wiest

      3. "Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them." -Carmelo Anthony  

      4. "Don’t be like the rest of them darling.”- Coco Chanel

  4. What is an area of your life that you want to improve? 

    • My health.  I’ve definitely put on the Covid 15 and become a little sluggish during this past year.  2021 is all about getting back to health, physical and mental.

  5. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

    • Have, give, be and live with gratitude...always. And don’t sweat the small stuff...seriously. Let. It. Go.


from kate & katy: january 6, 2021


personal style: grey all day