personal style: grey all day

Fashion… style… honestly, it’s so subjective. I might love one look where my friend thinks it’s utterly awful. I believe our difference of opinions is what makes life interesting, and I love it! But style goes beyond sweaters, dresses, and accessories. In fact, style, in many ways, is how we present our authentic selves. For me, a major part of my look is… my grey hair.

You see, I started getting silver streaks when I was 26. It wasn’t a grey hair here and there. Seriously, they just started flooding in.  So… the coloring began. My hair grows crazy fast.  I had roots within two weeks and  was in the salon chair for a fresh color every month. That scenario went on for 20 years; yep, exhausting. But it wasn’t the money or time that made me go to my natural color. It was my daughter, Kate.


She had watched the color shenanigans from the sidelines and thought… ugh. When her silver streaks started coming in at about 26 too, she asked if I would consider going natural. For her it was a sense of permission, an example you might say that as a woman it was okay to embrace aging. So dang, how could I say no.


What’s cool is that I found a Silver Sister community on IG that supports women transitioning to their natural color. But this whole silver sister movement goes way beyond hair color. It’s about women embracing their unique self, style you might say, no matter what form it takes. For too long there’s been an expectation of how women are supposed to age. And hurrah, those times are changing my friends. So grey, purple, brown or blonde hair; wearing yoga pants, blue jeans or ball gowns; women today are embracing their unique authenticity.

So I say go for it! In 2021, lean in to your personal style-- be genuine, be real, be authentically you!


sisi sister: dane robinson


trav-firmation: january 2021