kate and katy: women's history month

It’s March which means… Women’s History Month. Cue applause!!!! During the next few weeks many amazing women will be honored for their bravery, wit, and of course, wisdom. However, there are numerous unsung women who have paved the way for all of us that will remain nameless. As Virginia Woolf said, “For most of history anonymous was a woman.”

In fact, each one of us has our own unique history, and our pasts are filled with amazing women who shaped us into the ladies we are. With that in mind, we want to honor some of the important gals in our lives who are/were badasses. These ladies are family, many have passed, who we love and think of often. 


Sally Feldt
Katy’s mother/ Kate’s grandmother

Sally is such an inspiration because she never let a good challenge hold her back. In her seventies she started running 5Ks. It’s impressive on its own merit, but there’s one additional factor that makes this feat even more impressive… Sally is legally blind. Yep, she ran races with a running buddy who made sure she stayed on course and crossed the finnish line. And if you really want to be blown away, she can do a 5 minute wall squat. In other words, she’s one tough cookie!


Myra Peel (Gigi)
Katy’s grandmother/ Kate’s great grandmother

Myra was the first female president of her student body in the 1930s. We think this is the perfect way to sum Gigi up. She set a standard of excellence for her family because she never wanted them to experience the hardship and poverty of her childhood. When in a bind, we always ask, “what would Gigi do?” Yep, she had a way of just handling a situation and never crying over spilled milk. She became a true matriarch where everyone in the family...4 daughters, 12 grandkids, and her 33 great-grandchildren looked to her for guidance. Yes, she was a woman before her time and her leadership was unparalleled.

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The Gypsy Sweethearts
Katy’s great aunts/ Kate’s great great aunts

Meet Bernice, Bonnie, and Virginia. These ladies were Gigi’s older sisters who formed the vaudeville act, “The Gypsy Sweethearts.” They were definitely cut from a different cloth, considering vaudeville was no place for a true lady. But being a true lady was not one of their worries. They worked tirelessly, sending checks home to their mother so that she could care for their four younger siblings. They were the definition of women supporting women. Because of their efforts, Gigi had shoes on her feet and a baby doll in hand. Plus, the youngest child, Polly, had the opportunity to attend college and graduate with a degree in journalism. In other words, Bernice, Bonnie, and Virginia provided a better future for their younger sisters and truly gave these impoverished little girls a better tomorrow. To us, they are the definition of sheros!

We encourage you all to find ways to celebrate the unsung women who helped shape you. We’d love for you to send us their pictures via Instagram at @sisidira, and we’ll post them in stories.After all, we want to honor those anonymous women who are the true day to day heroes in all of our lives. 

Happy Women’s History Month,

Kate and Katy


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