quick reset

It’s been one of those days. Actually, it’s been one of those weeks. You know the ones. I know you do.

The kids were sick and home from daycare. I was trying to answer work emails while also wiping sniffly noses. Toys were running out of batteries, snacks needed to be filled, my work email kept pinging, lunch and dinner had to be planned and cooked at some point. The soundtrack of thoughts in my head was playing louder than the noises of the busy house around me.

Nothing seemed to be going right, but nothing was wrong either. Sure, the kids were sick, but it was nothing more than runny noses and sneezes. I knew I needed a break to reset and shift my perspective, but I barely had time to refill my coffee, let alone take some “me time.”


We are all busy and juggling a million balls in the air, waiting for the right moment to let them safely drop and take a break. While taking time to rest is so important, sometimes we need to find a way to take a quick pause, to make it through the current moment. Here are some of my tried-and-true ways I take care of myself in the moment.

  1. Go outside and breathe. Even if it’s cold. If you can’t get outside, go to a window and open it. The fresh air does wonders for the soul. Spend a minute and listen to the world. What do you hear? What do you feel? What do you smell? Use this moment to get outside of your head and let your body regulate.

  2. Listen to your music. I keep my playlists organized by mood and while sometimes it’s nice to put on sad music and just feel all the feels, there are also times when I know that some of my favorite cheesy pop songs will shake me out of my funk. I keep one playlist called “Kitchen Dance Party” for this specific purpose. When I need a pick me up, I hit shuffle on that playlist and I make myself dance in the kitchen. Put on a song that you know makes your heart smile and let the music lift you up.

  3. Drink water or eat something. Sometimes getting out of our heads may mean taking care of the rest of our bodies. I’m amazed how often I feel better after a glass of water or some food. If you find yourself running on empty, take a quick moment to fuel yourself physically.


Once I reset in the moment, I can usually keep going with whatever needs to get done. It gives me the mental space to finish my tasks and to take care of myself for a minute. It may even give me the clarity to see which balls I can stop juggling and pick up later.


trav-firmation: march 2021


kate and katy: women's history month