st. patrick’s day decor

St. Patrick’s Day is all about green-- green hats, green beer, and even green food. However, when I tried to find ways to bring the spirit of the day into my home I hit a roadblock. Most of the ideas I came across were in line with crepe paper decor which is definitely not up my alley. So… I experimented with inexpensive items and came up with some easy and beautiful ideas.

For the breakfast bar, I simply pulled out a wooden platter that I had tucked away in the back of the kitchen cabinet, then grabbed some candles stored away in a buffet. I purchased a few bags of moss from an arts and crafts store and… ta-da!!!! In five minutes I had a wonderful candlescape that screamed St. Patrick’s Day. The additional perk, I can place a few small decorative eggs among the moss, and it will take you straight into Easter.


But now for the easiest tip of them all. I snagged the glass hurricanes from my mom’s dining table and filled the bottom with dried split peas. Seriously… that was it! The green color heralds in the festive day, but in a subtle and tasteful way. Again, you can add a colorful pink bow around the glass and BOOM, Easter here we come!


combining the old with the new


before and after: katy’s primary bath