sisi sister: leslie huang

Meet our awesome Sisi Sister, Leslie Huang. We love her IG page @lagomwithles and overall aesthetic. Leslie is a fan of neutral colors, plants, and occasionally, she gets the DIY bug. We asked Leslie a few questions  and to tell us a little more about herself. If you get a chance… head over to Instagram and give her a big hello! 


Hi, my name is Leslie and I currently reside in Minnesota with my husband. I was born in California, but moved around a lot growing up and ended up living in the Midwest the longest. After graduate school, I moved to Stockholm, Sweden to work at an international school and got to travel all over Europe which was a dream come true. I am an elementary school teacher and one of my goals is to publish a children's book one day. I would describe myself as an adventurous homebody and am an Enneagram 2 for the personality enthusiasts out there. I also started a home + lifestyle Instagram account: @lagomwithles  along with a blog recently which has been such a fun and creative outlet. I love envisioning and creating beautiful spaces and especially during the pandemic realized how important it is to create a home that represents you and that brings you joy!

  1. Current Occupation: Elementary School Teacher 

  2. Describe yourself using 3 emoji’s: 😂🌿🏠

  3. Something you accomplished recently that you’re proud of (big or small): I recently got tenure with my school district which is a huge relief!

  4. What do you like to do in your free time? I love spending time with family and friends, watching movies, visiting coffee shops and exploring local shops, going on walks/hikes

  5. What’s your go-to stress reliever? I would have to say boxing. It is so therapeutic and I love how strong it makes me feel afterwards!

  6. Do you have any creative outlets? During the pandemic, I started a home + lifestyle Instagram account and just started a blog to further create and explore hobbies such as home decor and other interests such as cooking, fashion, travel, etc. I also enjoy making and creating art whether it's doodling, painting, and even recently trying a 4 week pottery course which has been challenging but fun!

  7. What is something you do everyday, without fail? I have to drink coffee everyday- I get caffeine headaches if I don't drink one a day now!

  8. What is a piece of advice someone gave you that you’re glad you didn’t listen to? Or.. the best piece of advice you’ve been given and who gave it to you? The best piece of advice I've gotten is from my mom. She told me that "You can't control what happens to you, but how you react to it " which is so applicable with all the curveballs life can throw at you.

  9. What is an area of your life that you want to improve?  I would like to improve on being less wasteful and reusing things! Especially with home decor being a hobby, I find the urge to have to buy new things, but I would like to be better about finding new creative ways to repurpose things I already have.


rooms we love:@veryberryhome


rooms we love: @fritz&gignoux