sisi sister: kate lewis


*We need to start with… you gotta follow this lady! Yep, we’ve loved keeping up with @kateonthedaily cause she is honest, funny, and a true breath of fresh air. We promise, you’re gonna LOVE this girl. With all this exuberance, you can tell why we asked this fun chicken loving lady to be our featured Sisi Sister of the month.


Kate Lewis is the owner of The Speech Path, LLC, a pediatric clinic for speech and occupational therapy. She also writes inspirational pieces for Kate on the Daily, her Instagram microblog. A Southern woman who rather enjoys being an empty-nester, Kate is quick to laugh, slow to exercise and always standing in a ready position to snack. Her motto is Make Life Fun.

  1. Name/nickname: Kate Lewis/Cake or Katiebelle

  2. Describe yourself using 3 emoji’s: 💄🐓🌸

  3. What do you like to do in your free time?: Hang around my chicken coop, needlepoint, play with clothes, play with plants. How obvious is it that I'm an introvert? ;)

  4. What’s your go-to stress reliever?: Get outside!

  5. Tell us about a cause that’s meaningful to you.: Any program that benefits rural families by making cultural resources and healthcare available to them. Either because of broadband limitations, a lack of funding for community outreach programs, or a lack of educational programming, people who live in rural parts of our country can feel boxed out.  It's amazing to me that in the year 2021, we have decades old communities with no doctor or with spotty access to the internet. 

  6. People, brands, books, movies, etc. that inspire you? Give them a shoutout!: Women who own small businesses. Women have unique challenges when it comes to family and career. Establishing a balance is a constant struggle *on top of* creating, running a business, managing people, marketing, financial planning and so on and so on. Big companies have support built-in through their long established infrastructure. But a small business can experience successes and failures on any given day and that tide is felt so deeply by its owner. And maybe that's also the day of the spring kindergarten class party or a high school graduation. It's hard! I find it invigorating to see a woman living out her passion for career and family well.

  7. Words/quotes that you live by.: "Yes you can!" We can do sooo much more than we think we can! We are such capable creatures with resources galore at our fingertips. Yet personal and relational issues cloud our outlook. So we limit ourselves. Imagine if there were no such thing as fear, insecurity, anxiety, or doubt. There would be no stopping the things we would create and do. I'm a Christian and the verse Phillipians 4:13 which says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is another way of saying that.

  8. What is something new you’ve learned or started doing since the pandemic arose? Unless I was ok with giving myself a heart attack, I had to learn how to dial back the intensity once the pandemic settled in. Going into 2020, I was full steam ahead...doing work at the office, doing work at home, raising children, being a wife and having very little chill about any of that. My internal engines were in overdrive all the time and I didn't even realize it until the pandemic. Once it became apparent in the spring of 2020 that the world would be hovering in neutral for a while, I had to slow everything down in my charge, too. Thankfully, I adapted. I learned to slow everything from the pace of my walk to the pace of my brain. And, who knew the world wouldn't end? ;)

  9. What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given and who gave it to you?: When I would tell my Dad about something crazy a person did - maybe they weren't truthful about something or they were outright offensive or mean - he would say, "Yeah, people are funny, aren't they?" That was his way of saying the only people we can control are ourselves. So, let the other guy do the bad things - and we should take note and keep our nose clean. Every time I hear of someone behaving badly, rather than taking it personally or getting pulled into being angry, I can smile a little smile and hear his voice.

  10. What is your guilty pleasure?: Movie popcorn with butter and a Coke on ice!


kate bought a house


decorating with texture