rooms we love: @southern_charm_cottage


With Katy out recovering from surgery and Kate juggling a lot of balls, we’re asking for a little help from you, our awesome community.  If you’d like to be featured as a Sisi Sister or Rooms We Love please DM us. It’s a great way to continue to build our tribe of women and give Katy some R&R over the next few weeks so she can get back on her feet.  

With that in mind… thank you Kelly of @southern_charm_cottage for helping us out and showing your beautiful dining room. It truly is a ROOM WE LOVE!


Our dining room is the heart of our home.

My husband and I both grew up with parents who were talented cooks and gracious hosts. Creating an inviting space to entertain family and friends was important to both of us. It's hard to believe we've had our dining room table and buffet for twenty years. I think I love it more as time goes by. It may have something to do with all of the beautiful memories that have been made around the table. When we moved to Raleigh six years ago, my mom gave me her wedding china. I knew I wanted to incorporate it into the dining room decor. I found a plate rack that was the perfect way to let it shine. I've added a few pieces from my blue and white collection to the buffet as well as a few vintage finds.


rooms we love: @cindyritchiehome


metaphorically cleaning