old movies your family will love

It’s cold… it’s snowing…the toddler is napping, what’s a mom do? Well, I curled up on the couch and watched movies. But, it’s not the movies you’d think. I feel like I’ve watched everything imaginable during Covid so I took a deep dive down the nostalgic Disney Movie well. I got the idea when I stumbled across The Ugly Dachshund, my all-time favorite movie as a kid. In fact, when I was 6, I obsessed over dachshunds so much that I asked Santa for a dachshund puppy. (Thank goodness he delivered). 

In the past, my son and I would click right past these movies to watch Cars for the millionth time, but I wanted to see what other options were out there. Over the next two weeks (Christmas break) I viewed 15 movies (please don’t judge. It’s really cold outside and on the West Coast we’ve been under Stay at Home Orders). If I got bored, I moved on. If I was engaged, I kept watching. 

So here they are...my top 5 list. 

1) The Ugly Dachshund (Of course this had to be #1 on my list)
2) Swiss Family Robinson
3) Bedknobs and Broomsticks
4) The Apple Dumpling Gang
5) Darby O’Gill and the Little People


*One important note… my son is too young for these movies. However, in a few years, I think he’ll love them.

**And another note...I got into a major discussion about these films with one of my best friends (she was insistent that Darby O’Gill be on the list) and we realized that one of our favorite Disney guilty pleasures was overlooked...The 1993 Three Musketeers. This film is pretty true to the actual story, but a super fun romp.

I’d love to hear some of your oldie but goodie favorites that are appropriate for the kiddos. Please give our Sisi Sisters, especially the moms, your movie ideas.


trav-firmation: january 2021


room of the month: january