

I have the best girlfriends. Truly. They are unendingly kind, hugely funny, thoughtful, considerate, hard-working, beautiful, intelligent, brave, witty, graceful, strong, resilient...did I mention funny? I adore these women. And yet, I’ve never thrown them a Galentine’s Party. Never even mentioned the day in their presence. This is probably because my friends are spread all over the country, and it’s rare that I ever get them in the same place. However, for the sake of this article, let’s pretend I’m one of those lucky people whose friends all live on the same block. 

For Caroline, I would need to go easy on the kitsch. But for Mallory I would definitely need a little. For Kate, I’d need an order of events. For Whitney, I would just need to be at the party. For Jewel, I would need some healthy food options. For Kenzie, I’d need my sister. For my sister, I’d need champagne. 

First things first: I’d write them each a cheese-filled letter explaining all the many ways in which they’ve enriched my life. I’d present this to them as they entered the party, in order to truly set the mood and let them know what they are in for. 

Then, I’d serve them actual cheese. Truly, every good party has cheese. I’d probably make a signature champagne cocktail, like… a strawberry lemonade mimosa?? Yes. That sounds lovely. 

I’d pass out party hats (for Mallory). 

Now, we will move into “General Chat Time” (that designation is for you, Kate.) 

After General Chat Time, I’ll re-fill the drinks and we’ll do a gift exchange. Think: A Galentine’s version of Secret Santa or Yankee Swap. 

Then I’d re-fill the drinks. 


At this point, I’ll bring out assorted chocolates which we’ll use as poker chips during a few rounds of Texas Hold ‘Em. I’m sure there’s a girlier, cheesier game we could play...but it’s my party and I like Texas Hold ‘Em. Plus I believe we should all be secretly good at it. 

At this point, it’s officially time for face-masks (the peel off kind, for Caroline), and The Princess Bride and/or Steel Magnolias. Or Pretty Woman. Or The Goonies. I’ll decide in the moment. 

In my dream scenario, the sun is now setting and champagne cocktails are gone. It’s time to open a bottle of wine and order chinese food. This is also the part where we all talk about how much we love each other. 

We’ll end the day feeling full of carbs and gratitude. We’ll cry and hug and acknowledge that these friendships are tried, true, pure and special. I’ll look at my best friends and marvel at their strength, their wisdom, their compassion, and their charm. I’ll understand down deep in my soul that I am perhaps the luckiest woman on the planet. This thought will carry me through the rest of the year. 

Then I’ll call an uber and send them all home.

*These pics were taken during my perfectly girly bachelorette sleepover party...the one time I’ve ever had all my ladies under one roof.


simple spring fashion staple


tasha tries: scrumptious crumbs