follow your calling

This year, we made some big changes at the Lang house. They may seem sudden, even to us at times, but they are years in the making.


After almost ten years, Paul resigned from his job at a local bank. It is a wonderful company and they have been great for our family, but it wasn’t what he has felt called to do. He changed departments early last year to see if that brought fulfillment, but it only made it clearer that he was meant for other things.


Paul has wanted to be a teacher for years now. It never seemed like the right path to take, but after this crazy past year, we decided to take the plunge. Paul started school in January for his degree in elementary education. I’m going back to work full-time after four years of part-time work while staying at home with the kids. 

We are marching into uncharted territory. We don’t know exactly how things will look and that is weird to us as parents who plan everything to the letter for our home and kids. There may be sacrifices we have to make, and our life may not seem like the “normal” life that we are “supposed” to have. And that’s good. We have always found the life that is prescribed to us by the world is not nearly as rich and full as the life we create by doing what is best for us and by doing what we are called to do.


I’ll keep you guys up to date on our newest adventure. We’re sure to hit you with some real life, humor, and a healthy dose of Disney quotes.


laurie’s beauty hacks: say goodbye to under eye circles


from drab to fab