before and after: katy’s kitchen

Well, this Before and After is a little different. It’s not about tips or tricks; instead, it’s about having the guts to just go for it! 


So here’s the deal.... The kitchen was original… yes, 1960’s chic. It was segregated from the rest of the living space and the one opening faced a wall. Seriously, why? So we reconfigured the island where it looked out toward the living room,  which created a great room effect. Yep, Those decisions were all easy peasy. But as for the tile… that’s a whole nother story.


For years I’ve wanted to use concrete tiles… somewhere… anywhere in a house. So I now had the perfect opportunity. Yep, they would be on grand display right when you entered the house.


But… there lies the problem. I started getting cold feet because… what if I didn’t like the end result??? I’d have to look at them as a huge uh oh daily. So… right before the final order. I began to chicken out. I pulled numerous white subway tiles, beveled, textured, longer, shorter…. My inner voice was like, “Play it safe. Go with the tried and true. It will be clean and classic.” All were absolutely true since I’m a HUGE fan of the look. However, my sweet husband stopped me dead in my decision making tracks. He encouraged me to go with my gut instead of my head, and… I’m so so very glad I did. I now walk into the house daily and my open concept kitchen puts a smile on my face every time. I guess the moral of the story is… go with your gut, be true to yourself, and enjoy the process. Wishing you all lots of kitchen love!


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rooms we love: @house_of_7feathers