you deserve cute pjs

We all know that one person, the one who looks put together morning, noon, and night. Maybe you are that person, but if you’re anything like me, your drawers are filled with ratty sweats. I slip into them right when I get home...unlike one of my good friends who is always turned out to perfection. In fact, she lounges around her house in skinny jeans and gold hoops which got me thinking...

“Looking good” can actually translate to feeling good! Now I know what’s going through your head, “How in the world can I worry about fashion when I’m  running around day to day hustling, focusing on work, family, etc.” But stop for a second... the reality is you’re taking care of everyone except yourself.

I know it’s hard to carve out me time, but what if it’s something as simple as making a little change to your end of day routine. Question… After an exhausting day, do you climb into bed wearing a ratty  t-shirt and sweats smeared with paint (like Katy)? Or maybe a pair of four day old nightwear because your laundry is piling up? Fact is, you deserve nice pajamas!


Yep, something so simple as putting on a cute, comfy, clean pair of pajamas at the end of a busy day can feel so rewarding. It’s something just for you after you’ve taken care of everyone else!

So no matter how worn down, drained, or busy you are- you deserve to feel good. And if amongst all the craziness and hustle and bustle of life, the only time of day you actually have to yourself is when you’re winding down… Then girl, so be it!


classic satin loungewear set



cotton long sleeve sleepwear with pockets



soft & relaxed shorts/shirt pj set



rhinestone dreams


room of the month: cottage in the glen