the road less dabbled

Most of us think of our careers as this linear trajectory; the straight and narrow climb up one particular ladder. But who decided this? And why? We live in an ever expanding universe, and yet, we’ve somehow convinced ourselves of these invisible limits. 

When I was born, my mom worked as a bank teller. She was 19. Now, at 50, the woman is a licensed contractor, building and selling custom homes. This journey was not at all linear; my mom has been on a winding path with lots of stops and starts. 


Because, as our parents’ children we tend to be very self-centered, I think of each of my mom’s jobs as a particular phase in my life. When she worked at the bank, I loved hanging out there after school, getting sodas out of the little kitchen and watching Full House in the conference room. When she cleaned houses, we knew everything that was going on in town. When she worked at the dental office, I was able to get my teeth cleaned even though my dental insurance had ended years before. Perks of having an explorative mother. 


When asked about this, my mom recalls that she simply never turned down an opportunity to learn more. If someone was willing to teach her or take her under their wing, she was there. Banking led to bookkeeping which led to the next thing which led to a degree which led to the next thing. When she’d learned as much as there was to learn, she moved on. When she was bored, she moved on. When she began dreaming of something else, she moved on. She became a collector of experiences. 


At this point, my mom has dabbled in so many different fields that I firmly believe she can do anything. Truly. No challenge is too big for her. She will conquer it. There’s freedom in that; being able to choose where you go next because you know you’re capable of going anywhere. 

Recently, my parents bought ten Texas acres and are turning it into a subdivision. My mom is the principal contractor. She just broke ground on her first spec house. She had the plans drawn up, hired the subs, created the LLC, etc. These are hard-earned skills gained through years of hands-on education. Lots of questions, lots of researching, lots of faith. 


Kim said this, “I don’t want anyone to think ‘Oh, all I’ll ever be is a bank-teller’ if that’s not what you want. Recognize opportunities, say yes, explore! You don’t have to understand the journey to walk it.” 

Some are happy on the straight and narrow. But for those of us who feel like we are zig-zagging our way through this life, take comfort in my mother’s validation: The winding path can be just as fulfilling. Collect your experiences, for they are priceless. 


rooms we love: @fritz&gignoux


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