sisi sister: lisa from @okaywithgray

It’s time for our next Sisi Sister feature! Meet Lisa @okaywithgray she is all about simple living and aging gracefully.  Lisa and her husband live in the foothills of Lake Tahoe (yep, not too far away from us) in a beautiful home nestled in the trees. FYI… her kitchen is to die for. 


Since we’re all about building a community, we want you guys to get to know each other. So we asked Lisa a few fun questions…

  1. Describe yourself using three emojis -  😂 🥰 🧳

  2. Tell us something you accomplished recently that you’re proud of - Organizing my closet

  3. What is your go-to stress reliever? - Take a bath

  4. Do you have any creative outlets - My Instagram account

  5. Tell us about a cause that’s meaningful to you, - The Food Bank

  6. People, brands, books, movies, etc. that inspire you - My husband inspires me daily to be a better person. He’s physically active, kind, funny, and very loyal.

  7. What is something you do everyday without fail? - Drink coffee with my husband

  8. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be? Stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen. (By the way Lisa, we couldn’t agree more!)

  9. What is an area of your life that you want to improve? - Living a minimalist lifestyle.

  10. What is your guilty pleasure? - Eating Sweedish Fish 


spring nail colors


life on the rocks (or blended)