rule of threes

*side note. The branch arrangements on my buffet were crazy cheap. It’s merely dried willow branches, river rocks, and two glass containers all purchased at Michaels.

*side note. The branch arrangements on my buffet were crazy cheap. It’s merely dried willow branches, river rocks, and two glass containers all purchased at Michaels.

Hey ladies, I have a simple design tip to make life easy and your home awesome! It all stems from growing up with a mom who is a HUGE interior design buff. She is very formal about her home. There is no sitting on the living room couch and every pillow has the perfect karate chop fold in the middle.

Honestly, I have no time for those shenanigans, but this one design tip, the “Rule of Threes,” is something I totally embrace and… it’s ingrained in my brain.

From a young age, I overheard interior designs working around my childhood home discussing color palettes, blending textures, and mixing patterns. But it was the Rule of Threes that made sense because I could instantly see the difference. As an example… three frames looked great. Add a fourth, and it was a visual miss. 

So what actually is the rule? Simply stated, things arranged in odd numbers are more visually pleasing than even numbers.  For some reason, our brains seem to like things grouped in odd numbers. So yes, the rule extends to five and seven items grouped together. In other words, odd is awesome! 

The three principle also extends beyond interior design, there’s the “rule of thirds” in photography and three represents divine wholeness in the Bible. Anytime there is an event that needs to highlight completeness or fulfillment, the good old number three is used.

What’s great about applying the Rule of Threes in your home is… it’s free. So rearrange till your heart's content.


food for thought


girl with no ears