mom’s musings: meet kim

My mother, Kimberly Darlene, has taught me so many life lessons without any preface; she never says “remember this, daughter.” She just handles things and assumes I’m paying attention. I usually am. I’ll share many of these lessons here on Sisi Dira. Some will be big, some will be small. Hopefully, they will all be helpful to you, as they have been to me for the last 31 years. 


A great example is when my mom woke me up in the middle of the night and told me to meet her in the kitchen. I was only a kid; old enough to be slightly annoyed at being awakened, but still young enough to be too excited to care. At the time, I was sharing a room with my younger sister and brother. (A bigger home was currently being built, but for the moment, things were very intimate.) I tell you this because even though all three of us kids were in the same room, my mom woke only me up, a hard fact not at all lost on me. I was honored. Once in the kitchen, mom asked me how big a piece I wanted; she was cutting into the remains of a yellow cake with chocolate icing, left over from someone’s birthday. I was smart enough not to ask any questions. After cutting two huge slices, mom led me into the living room. We cuddled up under blankets, and she put on a movie: My Best Friend’s Wedding. I LOVED (and still do) the opening of that movie; the bride lip syncing to “Wishing and Hoping” alongside her bridesmaids. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Mom and I were watching a grown-up movie, just the two of us. Finally, I dared to look directly at my mother, my face full of questions. With barely a glance in my direction, she answered, “I couldn’t sleep. Seemed silly to stay in bed when there’s cake in the kitchen.” 

My two favorites takeaways that I will literally never forget from that blessed Middle-of-the-Night-Escapade  are: 

  1. Wasted time spent together is never wasted.

  2. If there’s cake in the should probably eat it. 

Yep, Kimberly Darlene is one wise woman!


meet laurie


trav & whit: bedazzle