let's talk dining rooms

So for many, the days of formal dining rooms have passed. You know, that stuffy room that no one goes into except for major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some folks have gone so far as to ditch the formal dining room for office or playroom space. In fact, two houses ago, I turned my dining room into an office, and I have to admit, the space was actually used daily. My dining room mantra was….waste of space.


However, I brought the big dining table back when we moved because I realized something was missing… not necessary in accord with interior design but in the depths of my heart. When I converted the dining room to an office I had unwittingly removed a place for friends and family to gather...to laugh and share stories. We all say the kitchen is the heart of the home, but maybe… just maybe it’s actually the table.

Photo Credit @danabowen20

Photo Credit @danabowen20

Photo Credit @richardleemassey

Photo Credit @richardleemassey

So  instead of tucking the table off into a segregated space, move those tables into a place of prominence where your eye goes directly to it. (it’s also fun to create tablescapes!) In my newest remodel, I took down a wall and now have my table sitting right off the kitchen. The perk...we gather almost daily. So my new dining room mantra goes something like this… bring back the table, bring back fun, bring back the family!


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