inexpensive artwork family style

So here’s the deal… artwork can be expensive. We’re talking really, really expensive. Through the years, my husband and I have saved up for a painting or two, and I’ve received some pieces from my parents like the Audubon print below that I just love. However, let’s be real… with a mortgage, kid’s college tuition, and those little financial must do’s artwork on your walls is not a high priority. So… I’ve framed my kids’ artwork.


Seriously, it’s a great way to add color and texture to a room. I found that the key to pulling it off is cohesion. In other words, look at the other art pieces in your home and frame according to the aesthetic. If you have frameless contemporary art go with frameless glass; heavy wood… well, you get the idea.


In my home, I have numerous pieces that are surrounded by heavy gilded frames. So I stuck with the look. In my laundry room I have a collection of Kate’s artwork from 2nd grade, and in my office I hung photographs that my son took in high school. These cherished pieces flow seamlessly with the entire decor of my home and... they provide two HUGE perks. 1. Each creation is more precious to me than a Rembrandt (well, maybe), and… 2. They are super inexpensive. now that I am quite the collector, my art interest has evolved into the grandkids’ stellar or not so stellar talents. Therefore,  I’m purchasing more gilded frames and looking for another bare wall. Stay tuned!


*One quick note… Covid has been difficult for artists this year so if you are in a position to support creatives we thank you!


before and after: katy’s primary bath


trav-firmation: march 2021